New Judicial Map: Courts in Collapse, lawyers decide indefinite boycott of cases


The National Chamber of Advocates announced on Wednesday afternoon a general boycott indefinitely. However, for security measures the deadline will be 10 days. Lawyers who will not follow the boycott are reportedly subject to disciplinary action.

We recall that the reaction of the National Chamber of Advocates comes as a contested measure for the decision of the HJC on the new Judicial Map. The latter has also received the consent of the General Prosecutor, Olsian Çela.

In a statement given earlier to the media, Mayor Maksim Haxhia stated that he has made a tour of all local Chambers, including Vlora, Durres, Shkodra, etc. and discussed the situation and decision-making. ”

We recall that the High Judicial Council held on 10.06.2022, the plenary meeting dedicated to the “New Judicial Map”. At this special meeting, the Council approved the final evaluation report of the Inter-Institutional Working Group on the reorganization of judicial districts and the territorial jurisdiction of the courts.
